Home Loan Options: What Can Your Credit Score Get You?
Credit scores can tell a lot about a person, especially when lending companies are concerned. Since high-value purchases demand less risk for lenders, they prioritize choosing borrowers with reliable payment practices. Because of this principle, borrowers typically...
4 Common VA Home Loan Myths That Need to Be Debunked
When you’re looking to buy a home, you must first consider what type of home loan you should be applying for. And during this process, you may disregard VA home loans due to some secondhand horror stories you’ve heard about VA loan applications. But the things you’ve...
Getting a Self-Employed Mortgage in California: Things to Remember
Even before the pandemic hit, many people in California were already self-employed, but this number increased even more once COVID-19 was in full swing. If you are self-employed and considering obtaining a mortgage, you may be concerned about how your financial...
Big Home Down Payment? Here Are Some Things You Can Do!
Having money for a down payment is important when buying a home. It’s one of the few upfront costs you need to prepare for. If you’re concerned that you don’t have enough money for a down payment yet, don’t worry; we will help you get that money in the bag in no...
Why You Should Buy a New Home Before Selling Your Old One
Generally, the main process that people follow when transitioning between or upgrading their homes is that they’re required to sell their old home first before qualifying for a new mortgage. From a practical perspective, the “unload to reload” approach is a...
5 Reasons It’s Better to Buy a Property Than to Rent One
When it comes to a house, this question always comes up: which is better, rent or purchase? For many, owning a property is worth it because it provides a sense of security and stability. On the other hand, you won’t get this when you choose to rent. In this post,...
Three Smart Ways to Access Home Equity in Sacramento
The most effective way to access your home equity is determined mainly by what you want to do with the funds. Of course, your credit score and financial condition are essential parts of obtaining good terms. They will, however, be considerations regardless of whatever...
4 Common Mistakes First-Time Homebuyers Tend to Make
There are a lot of things that go into buying a house, especially if it’s your first time. It’s not enough that you want to buy a home and have a steady income. Aside from reading about tips and other hacks to make the experience worthwhile, another crucial thing to...
What to Know about Getting a Mortgage as a Single Parent
Being a single parent is tough as you have the responsibilities of two parents, plus you need to make ends meet. Securing a home should be your priority because this will make things so much easier for you in the long run. The good news is, you can get a mortgage even...
Some Things You Might Not Know About VA Loans
Military borrowers dub VA loans as the most powerful loan program on the market because of their flexibility and lack of down payment. This lending program has helped more than 24 million service members to purchase or build their own homes. VA loans are given by...